The CEDC introduces its new home(s)

The Community Economic Development Center had the unique experience of introducing followers, supporters, clients and the curious to not one but two CEDC headquarters last week. Over two consecutive days, no less.

The explanation for that isn’t as complicated as it may seem.

The same tragic fire that took lives and property on Acushnet Avenue a few years ago also saw the long-time home of the CEDC destroyed. To continue its mission in the north end of New Bedford, the CEDC quickly established temporary offices in the PAACA building on Coggeshall Street, and subsequently, roomier digs at 1501 Acushnet Avenue. 

In the meantime, plans were being made for the CEDC to first purchase and then rehabilitate the former Capitol Theater building just a block away into new headquarters – and so much more. Yet, that multi-year project means that when the owners of 1501 Acushnet Avenue announced plans to renovate that address, CEDC once again went in search of new – but again temporary – offices. 

On Wednesday, May 22, CEDC welcomed the community to its new, current location at 235 North Front Street – the complex that formed the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, rectory and grounds in New Bedford. A beautiful afternoon, they used the opportunity to host various city agencies, groups and businesses at a fun outdoor event that also doubled as a Community Resource Fair with a focus on health and wellness. Naturally, the Love The Ave and New Bedford TDI District team was there. (A photo set featuring the many that participated can be found below.)

The next day, Corinn Williams, Executive Director, and Brian Pastori, Deputy Director, from CEDC participated in an online chat with the New Bedford Light to discuss the Capitol Theater project on Acushnet Avenue – which when complete will become – finally – its permanent home about two years from now.

It’s a huge project. As the Light writes, “The rebirth of the Capitol Theater is underway, and those involved agree that it will be a boost to the near North End and its largely immigrant community and act as an anchor on Acushnet Avenue. Plans for the 21,000 square-foot building include a CEDC headquarters, community bank, community health center, six low-income apartments, business incubator space and possible recreational space.”

You can read more and watch the entire Chat, conducted by Light columnist Jack Spillane, at this link.

Meanwhile, the CEDC will continue its essential role in the north end of New Bedford from 235 North Front Street. That mission has been ongoing since 1997, when it was first incorporated as Community Development Corporation. 

Since then, the CEDC has focused on understanding residents’ and businesses’ needs through active engagement within the community. It has been a priority of the CEDC to create pathways to the future by helping new immigrants and long-term residents find their way to economic opportunity. Visit their website here for more information about them.

And take a look through the photo set below for a look at how they’re going about fulfilling their mission – no matter where they’re located.